Ariana Medicare Tour Services

جراحة التجميل من بعد الولادة في ايران

What is Mommy Makeover plastic surgery (pregnancy) in Iran?

Childbirth is a wonderful experience but it can take a toll on a woman’s body, especially in the abdominal area. Abdominoplasty surgery after pregnancy is an effective solution to restore the shape and appearance of a flat and beautiful abdomen. This surgery aims to remove sagging, excess skin, and stretched muscles during pregnancy. The procedure […]

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العلاجات في ايران

Medical procedures for which foreigners travel to Iran

Introduction: In neighboring countries, Iranian doctors are known as skilled and experienced doctors. Doctors who are able to treat any difficult disease; This reputation attracts many patients from other countries to Iran for treatment. Not only private hospitals but also government hospitals have become the destination for some of these patients.Most of the foreign patients

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فروق شفط الدهون البطن بين النساء والرجال في ايران

Differences Abdominal Liposuction between women and men in Iran

Article content Introduction The difference is at the cellular level The difference is in the hormonal system The difference in physical composition The difference is in the nervous system The difference between a person’s requests and expectations Abdominal liposuction differences between women and men is an interesting topic in the biological and medical sciences. The

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